NHFCU offers business checking accounts tailored to the specific needs of your business. Stop by one of our convenient locations, call us at 605.347.4527, or text us at 605.720.6767 for more information or to open your checking account.
Business Checking
The Business Checking is the perfect account for Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships. The account has no minimum balance requirements and no transactions limits with a monthly service charge of $5.
Award Business Checking
The Award Business Checking is the perfect account for Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships. Businesses can now earn dividends monthly on their hard-earned funds at NHFCU. A minimum balance is required of $5,000 to avoid a monthly service charge of $20. The account offers 75 FREE monthly transactions. Transactions over 75 will be priced at $0.20 per item. Online and Mobile transactions, NSF fees, and the monthly service fee will not be included in the monthly transaction fee.
Organization Checking
The Organization Checking account fits the needs of Organizations, Clubs, Estates, and Trusts. The account has no minimum balance requirements nor a monthly fee.
All accounts are eligible for the following services:
- Savings and Certificates, refer to the NHFCU Savings and Certificate Truth-In-Savings Disclosures
- Money Market account, refer to the NHFCU Savings Truth-In-Savings Disclosure
- Business Visa Debit Card
- Mobile Wallet
- FREE Bill Pay
- FREE Currency Orders up to $500 and Coin Orders up to $100
- Domestic and Foreign Wires
- ACH Transactions
- ItsME247 Online Banking and the NHFCU Mobile App
- eStatements and eNotices
- Overdraft transfer option from savings
Please visit our website under About Us/Disclosures for the Award Business Checking Rates and Terms Disclosure for further details. Terms and conditions apply.